Garden Tools

Tools of the Trade

How to prepare your soil for planting flowers, and the specific tools you will need for the job.

Flower Bouquet

Cutting and Arranging

Get tips from our design pros on how to create balanced arrangements that will last for weeks.

Garden Tools

Flower Business Basics

Best practices on how to drive down business costs and turn a profit your very first year.

Are you ready to get started?

Let's dig in and begin planning for your own amazing flower farm.

Design and grow your own Flower Farm or Flowerbeds…

Flourish Farms is training a new generation of flower farmers, floral designers and flower lovers on small-scale, high intensity flower production.

Learn how to grow and harvest your own flowers to create artisan floral arrangements under the direction of our professional designers.

Register now for one of our Garden Planning and Design Workshops.

Register Today!

Designing Your Own Flowerbeds

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